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So you are thinking about study abroad? But then again… maybe you are not  the type ? You aren’t dedicated, brave, or just plain old crazy enough? You are not that person that studied foreign languages in their spare time or took summer trips to Peru like it was nothing? You’ve got the opportunity of a lifetime sitting in front of you, but perhaps you are scared that you aren’t the right person to pack your bags and go. SLOW DOWN BUDDY. First of all, there is no such thing as a study abroad type. Over 10 percent of all students study abroad. And believe me, they represent an incredibly diverse set of personality types and backgrounds. Study abroad is not just for the  Ellie Fredricksens  out there. Here is a countdown of 10 legitimate reasons why everyone (yes, last time I checked that includes you) should study abroad no matter who they are  noexcuses . 10. Everyone needs a lil perspective One thing I learned while on my first trip abroad is that you cannot (I repeat, C

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